Holistic health and deep well-being. Discover how an upright posture strengthens you internally and externally and balances your life energy.
What is spiritual spinal straightening?
is an alternative healing method that is used in complementary medicine and aims to treat complaints in the area of the back and spine without surgical intervention.
✔️ Without surgery
✔️ Without pain
✔️ Immediately visible
✔️ Once in a lifetime
This method is based on the idea that physical and psychological balance and healing can be achieved by activating the body's own energy sources and promoting a harmonious flow of energy.

“The establishment of divine order” - fulfills itself permanently durable in seconds without touching the body. With the activation of self-healing.
Hip misalignment
Shoulder displacement
Leg length discrepancy
Curvature of the spine, scoliosis
Misalignment of the atlas vertebra
Slipped disc
Sciatica irritation
Low back pain/lumbar or lumbar spine syndrome
Neck pain/cervical or cervical spine syndrome
Muscle tension
Psychosomatic back pain
Areas of application of spiritual spinal straightening
Emotional fluctuations
Bladder weakness
Uterine prolapse
Unclear heart problems
Memory problems
concentration problems
visual disturbances
Incorrect loading of the jaw joints
Birth canal constriction
Misinformed connection to the nervous system
Blocked energy flow in the entire spine
Holistic approach: It views the human being as a unity of body, mind and soul and aims to heal disharmonies on all levels.
Correction of misalignments: Spiritual influence on the spine addresses physical misalignments such as a crooked pelvis, scoliosis and differences in leg length, which not only cause physical discomfort but can also disrupt the body's energetic balance.
Prevention and healing: As well as providing immediate relief from symptoms, spiritual spinal healing also focuses on preventing future health problems by addressing the causes of misalignments and energetic blockages.
Transformation and renewal: The method enables profound transformation on a personal level, which can include not only physical, but also emotional and spiritual renewal.
Access to higher levels of consciousness: By harmonizing the spine and activating life energy, individuals can experience a deeper connection to their higher self and universal energies, which promotes spiritual growth.
Key points of spiritual spinal healing:

Improvement of posture: The energetic straightening can bring the spine into a more natural position, which leads to improved posture. Scoliosis, lordosis.
Relief from pain: Many people experience a reduction in back, neck and joint pain, which is often attributed to misalignments of the spine.
Increasing life energy: The release of blockages in the body's energy flow can lead to an increased feeling of vitality and life energy.
Promotion of self-healing powers: By restoring a harmonious flow of energy, the body's natural self-healing powers are activated and strengthened.
Emotional balance: Energetic spinal straightening can also have an effect on an emotional level by helping to release emotional blockages and promoting a feeling of inner peace and balance.
Improvement in general well-being: In addition to specific physical and emotional effects, many people report a general improvement in well-being and an increased quality of life.
Positive effects on the nervous system: As the spine is the central element of the nervous system, straightening it can contribute to better function and communication within the nervous system.
Promoting mental clarity: By harmonizing the flow of energy, mental and cognitive function can also be improved, leading to increased clarity and ability to concentrate.
Energetic balance: The correction of energetic blockages and imbalances in the body to allow a free flow of life energy (often referred to as “qi”, “prana” or “life power”).
Our spine is much more than a skeleton of bones held in place by tendons and ligaments.
As an information carrier, it stores the life matrix with our karmic, fateful and prenatal guidelines that we bring with us into life. The human being as a multidimensional being consists of a multitude of energy bodies that communicate with the divine spark, the higher self and their true human identity.
This is why our spine as an organ extends beyond the body. It is our life support and an independent intelligence, a highly sensitive spiritual instrument that can only be healed if we make use of all-encompassing spiritual powers.

Spiritual or energy straightening of the spine is often described in alternative medicine and spiritual practices as a method that can have a number of positive effects on the body and well-being. It is important to note that these views are not always supported by scientific studies, but many users and practitioners report the following positive effects:

Experience the straightening of the imbalance in your hips as the establishment of “divine order” within you.

Many people believe that back pain is caused directly by a curvature of the spine. In reality, it is mostly the muscles that are responsible for the pain. Our body tries to keep the vertebrae in a stable position - if there is an incorrect posture or curvature, certain muscle groups have to work harder. This leads to tension, stress and ultimately pain.
The right approach to treating pain
Before performing targeted physiotherapy, exercises and stretches, it is important to straighten the spine. Correct alignment relieves the muscles and ensures a natural posture. Only then can therapeutic measures such as physiotherapy and special exercises take full effect.

Every person needs this great and all-encompassing healing help, independent of the symptoms,
how advanced and severe the illness is; also as a preventative measure
for children, young people and adults into old age or animals.
Thank you very much for your work. My life has become more colorful, I am in a good mood more often and my back has straightened out! My relationship with my partner has improved! Thank you very much

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